About 13 years ago, when I was 65, Dr. Winkler decided that I should start taking baby aspirin each morning as a precaution to the future potential of blocked arteries, etc.

Member First Name
W. James
| February, 12 2014 | for Steven P. Winkler, MD, FACP

About 13 years ago, when I was 65, Dr. Winkler decided that I should start taking baby aspirin each morning as a precaution to the future potential of blocked arteries, etc. From time to time I would complain to him that the aspirin was causing bruising to my hands whenever I would accidentally hit them while working, playing golf, etc. and could I stop taking it. Each time the answer was a definite no.

A little over 8 years ago I was climbing a long stairway to a parking garage at Hoover Dam, which I would normally do two stairs at a time. Suddenly, half way up, I became completely exhausted and had to stop and rest before I could go on. About two weeks later I again became exhausted planing a single bush at my house.

A couple of days later, after a brief examinationI, Dr. Winkler immediately called a cardiologist to get me an appointment. A few days later I had an angiogram at the hospital and was told by the administering doctor that I had 80 blockage in my arteries would certainly have died on the stairway when I became exhausted had I not been taking the baby aspirin. Clearly, Dr. Winkler's insistence in prescribing the daily baby aspirin regimen had saved my life!

Last May I suddenly had great difficulty urinating and Dr. Winkler immediately referred me to a urologist whom he had spoken to on his hospital rounds. In spite of having gone out of town, Dr. Winkler ordered an immediate blood test for me and had the results communicated to him. He called me immediately when he saw that my one and only kidney had failed and told me to get to the hospital emergency room at once. That attentive and quick action by Dr. Winkler once again had saved my life!

And so, Dr. Winkler has twice saved my life via his very high level of professional competence and very timely action! What more could anyone expect or hope for from a physician? Luckily, he is my physician!!
