Doctors in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland Join MDVIP Network

Burlington County Times | Willingboro, NJ

Dr. Tracey Shears-Bethke joins several other new MDVIP affiliated-physicians, spanning from Pennsylvania to New Jersey, who transitioned from traditional primary care practice to a membership-based model. With MDVIP’s emphasis on prevention, their practices are focused on providing a more personalized patient experience. Dr. Shears-Bethke praises the effectiveness of the program, proclaiming, “The more I learned [about the MDVIP model], the more I thought this was a great option.” In addition to her Mount Laurel-based practice, her local MDVIP network is home to Dr. David DiPietro, Dr. Louis Marino, Dr. Diana Tyler Rocks, Dr. Paul Feldan and Dr. Kenneth Goldstein.


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