Living Well Blog

Spring has sprung, and I have sprung into action. Okay, that was a weak pun — forgive me, I’m excited. This is my favorite season because it means I can get out of the stuffy gym and get into the fresh air. You probably already know that regular… See more
When you think of summer, do you picture vacations, barbecues, outdoor fun and sunshine? I know I do.Sunshine, in particular, has many benefits for our physical and mental health. Among other things, the sun enables our bodies to produce vitamin D (which improves the strength and overall health of… See more
We all know we’re supposed to “eat healthy.” But what the heck does that even mean? Ask five different people and you’ll get five different answers: paleo, keto, vegan, Mediterranean, low carb. Which is the “correct” diet?During my decades as a primary care physician, two of the most common topics… See more
Here’s a little secret about your heart: Your ticker loves it when you sleep.Good, consistent sleep is great for our heart. Poor sleep, notsomuch.Sleep helps everything from our immune system to our mental health. But our heart also benefits.Let’s start with blood pressure. When we sleep, our heart… See more
Here’s one doctor’s prescription for what patients can do to avoid burnout.Healthcare can be a real headache that’s causing many Americans to avoid going to the doctor -- and that’s not healthy.An… See more
It’s hot out there, folks. The summer of 2023, which has another month and half to run, is likely to be one of the hottest on record. Considering last summer was one of the hottest measured, according to the… See more
If you’re trying to protect your heart, you probably already know the things you should do: Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, manage your weight, minimize stress and make sure you’re seeing your doctor regularly. But there are other things that can put you at risk for heart disease that… See more
In the 1800s, nearly 200,000 Chinese immigrants came to the U.S. to work on the railroads. They brought with them Eastern medicine practices that dated back thousands of years including oil made from a Chinese water snake. The oil was used to treat the sore joints of workers after a long, grueling… See more
For the last few years, hospital workers have generally had only one respiratory illness to focus on – COVID. Patients hospitalized due to respiratory Illness like flu, RSV and pneumonia (unrelated to COVID) were actually kind of rare. Unfortunately, the bugs are back. Since early fall, rates of… See more
Do you see your dentist regularly? If you do, good for you. Unfortunately, only about two-thirds of Americans have seen their dentists in the last 12 months. That’s bad for their teeth, and it may also be bad for their heart. That’s because there’s a link between what’s going on in your mouth and… See more