Feeling bad in DC

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| March, 11 2020 | for Susan Richarme, MD
Image provided by: Madlyn

I flew to DC to a family wedding. My flight was hot. The weather in DC was hot. Our hotel was lovely, but hot. I did alot of sweating. When it came time for the wedding , i was in high heel and a long sleeve dress. No place to sit down in those heels. The room started spinning. The feet and legs started shaking. I knew if i didn't quietly remove my self from the room , i would have passed out. I asked my brother n law to walk me back up to my room . Then i called Dr. Sue. I told her how i was feeling. She calmed me down and said i was dehydrated . She was right!! She told me what do. I felt like my best friend was standing next to me guiding me back to good health. She was one phone call away. I did't have to go through barriers to reach her. I give Dr. Sue 5 stars for saving my evening. Great lady, and super smart. Big hugs to you, Dr. Sue.
