Dr. Janet Robertson

Member First Name
Nancy J
| February, 12 2024 | for Janet A. Robertson, MD

I have been a patient at Dr. Janet Robertson's practice since she first took over from my former doctor who had passed away. When I watch her enter the examination room with my folder under her arm, I am reminded of the countless visits we've had over the course of the years. She has seen me through the highs and lows of my life, lending medical and emotional support as I cared for my elderly mother during the waning years of her life and her passing at 97 and during challenging time before and after my divorce. She's a fine diagnostician, willing to refer her patients to specialists when necessary. I especially appreciate the fact that she is conservative about dispensing medications. Her people skills are strong., It's clear that she also has good administrative skills, as her office staff (clinical and secretarial) provide consistent, caring assistance. I consider Janet and her staff to be blessings in my life! 
